Sunday, March 30, 2014

A Principle to Keep

A principle is an accepted or professed rule of action or conduct.  I believe that an important principle to keep is the idea of compassion for others.  In times of desperation people often only do things that benefit themselves and are unwillingly to share or even show any amount of kindness to others. I think that compassion is a core part of what makes us human, and if we were to lose it as a principle, the world would be much more evil. Without compassion, I think many people would lose faith in each other and give up on life much easier.  In the road, people no longer care for each other and simply live to survive for as long as they can.  There is no hope that someone will come and help you out or make things better so people decide that death is more appealing that life is and kill themselves.  In addition, without compassion there is essentially no sure way to trust anyone.  If you are aware that someone who is offering you help is probably doing so after self interest, then it makes their actions suspicious.  Although not everyone in the world holds the principle of being compassionate I think that it is extremely important for people to try their hardest to do so.  In the road, though the man knows that he should try to be compassionate, it is impractical for him to do so.  The boy, however, tries his hardest to help others when he can and resorts to begging the father to help others because that's what he has been taught to be good.  If in a world where everyone is simply trying to survive day by day there is someone that tries to be compassionate, then I think it should be easy for more people to be compassionate in our world.  Everyone can do something, small or large, to help somebody everyday.  Whether you are simply helping a friend through a personal issue, volunteering for a soup kitchen, or providing any service for somebody, small amounts of compassion by everyone go a long way to make the world a better place.    

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