Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Edgar Allan Poe was born in 1809 in Boston, Massachusetts.  His parents died when he was a child and he was brought up through several foster homes and boarding schools.  After his schooling Poe was enlisted in the U.S. Army (1827) and it was during that same year that he wrote his first collection of poems.  From there he began to sell short stories, became the editor of the "Southern Literary Messenger", and got married.  After all of this Poe really matured as a poet and created some of his best known works such as "The Fall of the House of Usher" among other stories.  The cause of his death is shrouded in mystery and there are various theories as to how he died. Nevertheless he was a leader in the romantic movement and has heavily influenced American literature.

I personally find Poe's works very interesting, his gothic/horror style is so clearly depicted in each of his works that one could read the same poem/story over and over again and get something different from it every time.  To me some of his stories were very confusing and I didn't always understand them the first time I read them through, however after class discussions and/or group works I really think I have multiple understandings any given piece.  Today I really enjoy his works because they are mysterious and they make you think, however I think that during his time Poe must have been, and maybe still is very controversial.  Still I find that reading his pieces are very enjoyable and I prefer them over a lot of the other materials we have been reading in class.  I also think that it is very intriguing and maybe even a little ironic that Poe's cause of death is unknown because it seems like Poe's death could be a part of one of his short stories.  A man dies young from a mysterious cause of death with no clear ending that someone else can interpret on his own. Poe could have written the story of his death himself.  


  1. I like the background information that was given. It gives the reader an idea of what Poe was like. I also like how you gave your opinion of his works. I think your argument about the controversy of his pieces. The content of the writing is good, there were just some edits that could be made to make it a bit better. I like the ending. It leaves the reader thinking.

  2. I like your analysis of his life. Overall, would you agree that his life is just like of his dismal stories with a mysterious ending?
