Sunday, September 29, 2013

Modern Puritan

Although Puritans are no longer a part of modern society, many of their ideas still exist and many do not.  I don't think that society today is as strict as it was back then, but there are still certain rules you must follow.  For example there are social rules such as things you can't say or do so as not to offend someone.  These types of rules aren't punishable by the law however there are things that are.  In today's society many of the same rules must be followed such as do not murder, steal, etc. that if we don't follow we will be punished for. One big difference is that the idea of forgiveness is widely accepted today instead of rejected as it was in Puritan society.  Our courts will punish people for their crimes, however if you are convicted their are ways to shorten your sentence and in a way be forgiven.  In The Scarlet Letter for example, adultery is punishable by the courts, but today while it is still looked down upon, there is no punishment for it and some people can be forgiven for it.  You aren't publicly shamed and humiliated for the rest of your life and it is easier to move past it.  Also in today's society religion doesn't play as large of a role as it used to.  Reverends and Priests, while still respected, don't have as much power or influence in society as they used to.  If there were a Puritan living in our society today they would be appalled by some of the things they saw and heard.  In fact they probably wouldn't be able to live in our society at all, which is probably why the Amish and other groups like them live in seclusion with their own society.

1 comment:

  1. I like how you didn't compare any specific group of people to the puritans because i dont think that any group would really compare.
